2013 Year Treasury Report

As treasurer of the MSBMB I feel that we should keep a certain amount of transparency in what we do as a non-profit organization. As mentioned at the 2013 annual conference I have posted below the links to the income statement for the 2013 calendar year as of December 31st.

During 2013 we also filed our 1023 tax exemption form which has been received by the IRS and is currently on back log waiting to be processed. With any luck it will be processed by the end of 2014. This for us means that we cannot claim tax-exemption for things such as our conference expenses (meeting room, food, etc charged by the hotel). We must wait for the IRS to provide us with a tax exemption number in order to do so.

Income Stateincome_2013

If any member has questions regarding our financial state please fell free to contact me.

Let’s try to add some $$$ to that statement and have an awesome conference in 2014!

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